Friday, November 7, 2008

From the Mouth/Pen of a Founding Father

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

~ Thomas Jefferson

Does this make anyone feel any better about the religious mob that voted for Prop. 8?

(For those of you who might wonder, that question is meant to be rhetorical, sarcastic. It's impossible to feel any better about Prop. 8.)

I'm also working on collecting quotes from the Founding Fathers that express their distaste for religion, namely Christianity, in an effort to discredit the argument that this was meant to be a Christian nation. They did after all insist on separation of church and state! More to come...

Please send along any quotes you have pertaining to this topic. Thanks!

1 comment:

Tuxedo Cartman said...

Well, here are a few, including some rare finds by George Washington himself...

And another...

Now, for a bit of a bit of balance, here's quotes that are supposed to support the idea that the founding fathers were Christian, and intended this to be a Christian country...

Know the first thing I noticed? They count Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Paine amongst the believers. I can't say I know a whole lot about the other founding fathers, but you'll have an easier time convincing me that water is not wet before you can convince me that ANY one of these three were religious. And the fact that they claim them as on their side immediately casts doubt on their assessments of the other founding fathers.

My opinion? It was much like today; each person had their own thoughts on the matter (I will admit that John Adams seems to be somewhat devout.) There was no consensus between them, other than to write the Constitution as secular as possible. And regardless of their private and personal beliefs, THAT is the important part.

Treaty of Tripoli, ratified by Congress in 1796: Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion...

That says it all right there.